Monday, March 16, 2009

In Memoriam: Keith Herber Post-Interview Chat Video

Yog RadioVision - In Memoriam: Keith Herber Post-Interview Chat Video

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Keith Herber was an author of stories and game scenarios based on the setting of stories by H. P. Lovecraft, commonly referred to as the Cthulhu Mythos. He passed away suddenly last Friday. By all accounts, people remember him for his guidance in working through the collaborative process of writing as well as being an editor deeply concerned with the quality of the works that passed through him to print.

The craft of writing can be difficult. There is a need to write not just to tell a story, but to make a setting that is complete enough that the story has a place to live and flow. To create a game setting is even harder. You have to make the setting deep and rich enought that the reader can imagine a place in the world, and a group playing has room to roam. And you have to create the mood, such that those playing

I'm involved in a game based on one of Keith Herber's last works. We've just started, and as we settle into the personalities we've created, anticipating the path ahead, and wondering what Keith Herber has created for us. And remembering him.

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